Senin, 12 Maret 2018

 your own difficulties in learning english

The most common cause of the problems faced by a learner of the English language as a second language is existence of the inherent structure of their first language or mother tongue that they are exposed to since the first day. As such the problems that are faced by the students trying to learn the language are-
1. Understanding the grammar structure of the new language.
2. Pronounciations or the inability to understand or comprehend new  words.
3. Most often students use the translation method to understand the second language, in this case English
3. Again they think of the reply in their mother tongue first and then form a reply by translating.
4. Vocabulary becomes a huge problem.
The above mentioned problems are just a few of other problems but in my opinion these are the major ones faced by students. the hardest for a teacher in this case is to actually create a new structure of the English grammar while trying not to dismantle the exisiting language structure of their mothertongue. The student should be able to use both the langauges with ease. Again it is fairly easier in the case of children.
5.To improve vocabulary read an English language Newspaper. Reading habit will improve not only your vocabulary but also the sense of making sentences.
6.Gramar is not essential to learn a language but it is very basic to correct your language. Therefore, a Grammar book will be very helpful during the learning process.
7.Listening an English channel will improve pronunciation skills. Some English cartoons are very helpful due to pace of speaking in them. Different characters speak very slow and you can understand every word they speak and it makes easy for you to correct your pronunciation.
8.Speak & speak is the rule to address this issue. Whether you speak wrong or right but don't give up speaking will end shyness which is a big hurdle in learning any language.

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